5 Different Shapes of Diamonds Offered by Simayof Inc.


Who doesn’t love to wear jewelries? All of us love to wear jewelries. Some of you like to were heavy jewelery but there are also some people who love to were light jewelery. Wearing jewelery is a habit mostly found in women. The men are not away from this habit. There are a huge variety of jeweleries you can find from all over the world. The choice of jewelery is obviously upon you. There are many metals which are used in making jewelery. Not only metals there are also some precious stones which are used in making jewelery.
Jeweleries are usually made up of gold, silver and platinum. These metals are used to make the precious jewelery. The price of jewelery does not depend upon the design of the jewelery totally. Actually the price of jewelery mainly depends upon the metal which has been used to make the jewelery.
As the stone or metal of any jewelery means a lot for any jewelery. The shape of the jewelery is also very important for any jewelery. There are different shapes of diamonds you can find. Simayof is the perfect place for you to get the perfectly shaped diamond.

“Had a really great experience with Adi. Bought an engagement ring here a few weeks ago and have no complaints. I had a lot of questions (over several days) and he was very quick to respond and answer all my questions, even long after the ring was purchased. The ring, which I had custom made, turned out amazing as well! Couldn’t be happier with the experience overall so far and will definitely go back if I need anything else with this ring or another in the future.” –  Andrew

The Shapes of Diamonds

There are a lot of shapes of diamond jeweleries. Following are descriptions of the different shapes of diamond jewelery.

  • Round– this is the most common and popular shape. This symbolizes unending love.
Round Shaped Diamond

Round Shaped Diamond

  • Princess– This is a sharp shape. It produces a lot of sparkle which makes this shape special.
Princess Shaped Diamond

Princess Shaped Diamond

  • Emerald– This shape a considered as the most powerful shape. This denotes boldness.
Emerald Shaped Diamond

Emerald Shaped Diamond

  • Oval– This is a unique shape. This symbolizes fertility and stability.
Oval Shaped Diamond

Oval Shaped Diamond


  • Heart– this shape is also very famous. It symbolizes love and happiness.
Heart Shaped Diamond

Heart Shaped Diamond

Adi Simayof is a renowned name in the world of diamond jewelery. Simayof Inc. is the most famous company of San Francisco, California. The business of cutting diamonds and making precious jewelery is the family business of Simayof’s. The CEO of the company, Adi Simayof has taken the company to a higher level of business in this field.
The ancestors of Adi Simayof have started this company many years before. The company got a huge popularity because,of the products that they were supplying. Adi Simayof also has done the same thing. Adi Simayof’s jeweleries are the best diamond jewelries in the world.
Visit Simayof Inc., San Francisco next time before you want to buy some diamond jewelries for yourself or your loved ones.

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